Saturday, July 5, 2008

Trouble in Seawell

Eleasis, 8th month in the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR.

Bronwyn, Amiar, Ovak & M’ssema.

This adventure took place near The Mere of Dead Men, on the northern Sword Coast, not far from the road between Neverwinter and Waterdeep. Around the base of the Sword Mountains, a marshland juts out from the longer stretch of rocky coastline (sometimes referred to as the Red Rocks). South of this marsh is the town of Seawell. It was late summer, the month of Eleint in the Year of Wild Magic 1372 by Dale Reckoning.

A few weeks ago, the lizardfolk tribe were approached by an agent of the secret organization/tribe of Yuan-Ti known as the Coiled Cabal. In exchange for monthly tribute to the tribe’s Lizard King, the King agreed to have his warriors lure ships to their doom until an item of importance to the Yuan-Ti was retrieved and delivered.

After killing the lighthouse keeper and his family, the lizardmen built a high wooden tower on the beach about 200 yards from the lighthouse, then lit a fire atop it. Captains using this false “lighthouse” to navigate ran aground on the rocks, and the lizardmen swam out to steal the foundering ships’ cargo. They murdered the crews as well.

Three ships have fallen victim to these lizardmen, and the people of Seawell began to wonder what had happened to them. They had not been able to mount an investigation due to the increased raids of the lizardfolk. The Lizardking Zebtehr was directing his tribe to increase the raids on the town & merchant caravans for reasons unknown to the townspeople.

Though it was quite a dangerous venture, we were able to locate and defeat Zebtehr, who proved to be a frightening opponent.

We headed for Waterdeep as caravan escorts for Lhurt Halfstar and his “Thousandheads Trading Coster.” Once there we spent over a month in the City of Splendors before heading east for a town called Secomber where it is said a well-learned priest of Deneir resides. Ovak never showed and we left without him.

Lhurt Halfstar

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