Keitar grew up in the Shou Town in Telflamm, born to hardworking working-class merchants. He had something of a troubled childhood, since the entire Town was under the collective thumb of the Nine Golden Swords. He began spending time with a rough crowd, but was taken under the wing of an older ninja expatriate (one of the few in the region), who saw his potential. He trained in arts of stealth with this master until he passed away, and dabbled in some work for the Nine Golden Swords.
The crime organization recognized his talents, and he would have eventually joined them, but he met a half-elf adventurer from the west, a cleric of Selune named Iraeidan. He fell in love with the cleric, and adventured with him and his companions for a while, spending much of their time in Thesk and Rashemen. Keitar was of decidedly chaotic neutral alignment, shading toward evil, before he met the cleric, but under the Iraeidan’s influence, gradually began shading toward good alignment.
Eventually, he and his lover they ran afoul of the Shadowmasters of Telflamm and decided to flee Thesk for their own safety. They were traveling through Sembia when the Shadowmaster-sponsored assassins who were tracking them attacked. Keitar and his lover slaughtered their pursuers, but sadly, Iraeidan died after the battle of his wounds. Afterwards, the Shadowmasters seemed to consider their mission accomplished and stopped harassing him.
Traumatized by the death of his lover, and knowing that the Shadowmasters would not coutnenance his return to his homeland, Keitar decided to stay in Sembia for the time being. He is currently making ends meet by selling his services to various merchants who want to spy on other merchants. He deals regularly with the Sembian criminal underworld, but he makes an effort not to take jobs that he feels will harm others. His employers know him as taciturn and secretive about his past, but efficient in delivery of his targets.
Keitar retains his faith in the Moonmaiden as much in memory of his former companion as out of genuine devotion. He makes fairly regular visits to local Selunite shrines, goes somewhat out of his way to aid devotees of the faith, and is known in the church, if not entirely trusted. They know nothing of his history, and thus know nothing of his motivation for helping them.
Keitar’s personality is somewhat embittered, partly because of his rough upbringing, and more recently because of Iraeidan’s death. He is fairly handsome in appearance, with long, straight black hair and even features, but his looks are marred by a scar that travels from his left temple down to the middle of his cheek. In addition, he tends to be withdrawn and silent in groups, and does not open himself to others willingly. Others perceive him as standoffish, and he tends to wrap himself in that perception like armor.
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