Sunday, July 6, 2008


Barrehkr 3rd Lvl Rogue/ 4th lvl Fighter

CG Calishite Human Male Calimshan Selune

HP 65

Fort +9 Ref +11 Will +5

AC 19

STR 17 DEX 18 CON 14 INT 16 WIS 12 CHA 10

Spot +8 Listen +9 Sense Motive +10

Languages Common, Ignan, Draconic, Alzhedo, Tashlan

Items Spiked chain, Mithril shirt, Dagger x2, Belt pouch x2, Caltrops, Flint and steel, Wand of magic missiles, Smoke stick x2, Everburning torch, Masterwork composit shotbow, Arrows x20, Masterwork manicle, Silk rope 50 ft, Grappling hook, Potion of cure light wounds(1d8+1) x2, Potion of invisibility, cloak of resistance +2

Barrehk was young when he picked up the rogue skills from surviving the streets, cheating, lying, and hiding to save his life from the others. One day, he was caught stealing again and got cornered by the pursuer. He was quickly beaten unconscious; when he woke up, he found out that he was saved by an older man, maybe in his 50s. The old man let him stay at his place till he's healed. During this time, he began to look at this man as a father figure as no one in his life has been this nice to him. Apparently the old man, Tharian, was an exotic weapons master in his younger age and explained to him why a spiked chain would give him an advantage to his survival. Barrehk begged Tharian to teach him the techniques of the exotic weapon: the spiked chain. During this few years of training with Tharian, Barrehk’s natured shifted towards good thanx to tharian (neutral good) so Barrehk is now considered chaotic good. He does only care about outcome, not how to obtain it. Seeing tharian with this unbelievable skill but living a poor live made him realize that in Calimport, Having only Skill will only make more enemies and constantly live on the line of battle. Money is the only power in Calimport. Eventually he was kicked out by Tharian who told him to adventure thru faerun and live a better life than a street rat in Calimport. With that, he left calimport in search for adventures to make money and fame.

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