Sunday, July 6, 2008

Scornubel, the Caravan City. Part 2

The Seekers

Mirtul, 5th month in the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR.

M’ssema, Amiar, Ovak, Bronwyn, Barrek

We began our search for the horse merchant. The city was huge and shifting, without many permanent structures, and much time passed as we slowly narrowed down the suspects. Bronwyn returned to aid us, with her was a seedy warrior from the south. The two made an interesting pair.

We found a shopkeeper who seemed unusual. He invited us inside and when in private, explained who he is and why M’ssemas family was murdered. He suggested that they leave as a group on the morrow and head toward the Tower of Life.

That night, a pair of lamias attempted to assassinate the uncle, the merchant owner, Senma Quickfoot and several guards. They succeed in all save T’lainith, who escapes into the underground passageways. A third Lamia also attempts to assassinate M’ssema by disguising as a party member.

The Lamias then assumed the form of the Merchant and Senma and accused us of killing their guards. The Red Shields had arrived on the scene quickly arrested us. We were tossed in a local prison and were told in a few months, we would be put before a magistrate. We decided not to stay and escaped into the underground beneath the prison.

We returned to the ranch that night, and confronted the creatures still posing as the merchant owner and Senma the stable hand, they immediately attempted to flee. We eliminated them.

Following an entrance to the now familiar underground, we tracked T’lainith to where his mortally wounded body lay. He presented the sword and bid farewell. Getting out was another issue entirely, a nasty roper nearly made us into a light snack.

M’sema learns the person responsible for his family’s murder is Aravilar Starshadow, an elven mage who resides in the Eldreth Veluuthra base known as “The Tower of Life”. This base is reported to be in the woods of Cormanthor, and M’ssemas uncle draws them a map of the approximate location. They will need a scout of some kind to find the tower, as it is cloaked in magic.

With this knowledge, M’ssema decides he must travel to Essembra in the Cormanthor Forest. Bronwyn left the group to seek her destiny in the Old Empires. Only the gods can say if our paths will cross again one day. Barrek too had business elsewhere, but agreed to meet us in Sembia. We made preparations for an overland journey east.

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