Saturday, July 5, 2008


The Party’s Travel Journal

In the period between the months of Ches and Eleint in the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR, the following events of note occurred :

· M’semma escapes the High Forest and wanders the North.

· Amiar leaves Saerloon for Suzail, where he joins the Dragoneye Dealing Coster as a hirespell. The company heads west for Waterdeep, making many stops along the way.

· Bronwyn departs Goldenfields for Waterdeep, where she trains with priests of Tyr.

· Ovak flees Fireshear via ship and heads south along the Sword Coast.

· Barrek leaves Calimport, spends time in Amn before continuing north as a sellsword.

Their paths converged in a small town on the Northern Sword Coast.

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